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Maria Plus One presents: Plus One’s Roast
THURSDAY May 25th, 7pm - 10pm
at Offthemapgallery, 712 Lansdowne
You are cordially invited to Plus One’s roast, an evening where friends, ex-lovers and well-wishers will give Plus One the attention he deserves. Stories will be told, praises will be sung and true colors revealed. Expect surreal surprises and glorified disappointments. This macabre theatre promises to disturb even the inanimate.
*Juicy speeches by artist extraordinaires Jessica Rose,
Auriane Sokoloski, and Istvan Kantor.
CURATORIAL PREFACE: Melting chocolate cakes, theatrical transformations, licking, sucking, fake nurses, pseudo-terrorists, sugar-addict, rioter to hunger-maniac, video combined with live action, the circus of wedding... I gathered these short descriptive notes while trying to sum up Maria's work. She is one of the new local art-heroines and emerging anti-art princesses whose work i have been following with great attention. I vandalized one of her installations by licking off a chocolate message she made on the gallery wall, and i opposed her marriage to Plus One. It's a great pleasure for me to be her partner in crime aka the curator for her OFFTHEMAPGALLERY murder event.
Istvan Kantor, Curator
MARIA PLUS ONE: For the last year I have performed contemporary love rituals with a life-sized puppet named Plus One. Plus One and I got happily married and honeymooned across the world. But now, we are miserable. We are living unhappily ever after. It is hard to pin point exactly when the fairy tale romance collapsed, but love no longer exists between us. Plus One and I have tried every therapeutic method known to restore our love but nothing is working. The time has come to pop this melodramatic love bubble once and for all. However, will a break-up suffice? Where will an inanimate puppet go, if we part company? Poor Plus One would always be alienated from language, intimacy, and to the human condition; a fate nobody should have to tolerate. The only question is, how can he cease existing if he is not alive?
Maria Plus One, artist
OFFTHEMAP: Legault's whirlwind romance with Plus One and the art world has taken her to many national and international venues. She holds an MFA from the University of Guelph and has received many scholarships and grants for her work. She has been written up and interviewed by Radio Canada, the Toronto Star, Canadian Art, and Now Magazine. The immediacy and vibrancy of Canadian art is kept alive by Legault and works like hers. Offthemapgallery is very pleased to host and support Legault; her explorations, her expressions, and her experimentations.
Antonia Lancaster, Director, Offthemapgallery